
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Happiness- Grab it!

Smiley Flower Happy!
pic from google

i try to hold it-
the desperation of an ant
winding its way up the path
carrying the weight of day's hours;
survival is tiresome
but, the dawn seeps through a crack
everyday, every morning
to give us the strength  
so that new avenues are born
...journey's end brings new beginnings
walk a mile and touch the sun rays
Happiness and joy will follow....
enjoy the moment and live the life!
Happiness is yellow, crisp and warm
---  it instills new strength and vigor.
every creature- intelligent or not
wades through the burnishes 
     ....of the harsh sun
when the sun whirls onto your windowpane
open your eyes...
sipping the first cup of tea,
turn the knobs of the radio
tune in to hear a music-
singing a morning hymn...
Enjoy the luminous and pure break
-a lulled time, half-conscious, dream-like
with feathers of gold


We all start our day at some point. And we all seem to start it differently. Some of us hop online to check social media, others dive in to email, still others eat breakfast, exercise, or pack lunches for the kids. There’re a million different ways a morning could go.
For many of us, early morning is also a time of the day we can be alone, without demands and distractions. For me, listening to music is the perfect morning practice that awakens the body, focus the mind…


  1. A refreshing time of day to be sure--better after the rest and dreams of sleep, but yellow as you say, and a break, a definite break in whatever is tiresome. Thank you, Panchali

  2. I like "Happiness is yellow, crisp, and warm! What a perfect visual this is. And, yes, when the sun whirls into one's window one should open one's eyes! One should NEVER hide from happiness. I liked reading about your morning ritual, Panchali!

  3. "dream-like/with feathers of gold." -- love this.

  4. Happiness is yellow, crisp and warm
    --- it instills new strength and vigor.
    every creature- intelligent or not
    wades through the burnishes
    ....of the harsh sun

    This is so profound.. :D full of endless wisdom..! Happiness is always on the way after a hard day's work! Hats off :D

    Lots of love

  5. I love "Happiness is yellow, crisp and warm".....I especially love "dream-like, with feathers of gold". Beautifully done, my friend.

  6. what a good way to start the morning. full of good vibes. the details are lovely. i want to stay in bed lol

  7. Lovely way to start your day.....with a totally free mind...great lines:)

  8. the dawn seeps through a crack
    Happiness is yellow, crisp and warm
    with feathers of gold..... a poem within a poem...... so lovely

  9. What a beautiful poem to start my day!!

  10. I love the contrast and hope in the first part of, although survival is tiresome and wears you out, dawn still 'seeps through a crack'--beautiful :-)

    1. Me too. Loved that "dawn seeps through a crack" :)

  11. And I am so grateful for the seeping dawn. Great contrast here!

  12. the gilded morning with a cuppa and music is dream like and perfect to start the the beautiful imagery Panchali di :)

  13. A post full of gratitude - whichI think is one of the keys to happiness.

  14. sipping the first cup of tea,
    turn the knobs of the radio
    tune in to hear a music-

    A simple operation to start the morning. But it goes a long way to sooth the heart.. Music is certainly mesmerizing! Great lines Panchali!


  15. Your poem is so full of peace. The morning is my most peaceful time when the quiet soothes me. Lovely poem Panchali.

  16. THat is so lovely... indeed happinesssssss is blisss


  17. Panchali,

    Your poem is simply brimming with freshness and goodness; thus happiness. Like bouquets of fresh flowers, you have lines scented with happiness in your poem:)

  18. Nothing beats a bright morning..literally or otherwise ;)

  19. I like the idea of the sun harsh, yet bringing joy.

  20. "Happiness is yellow"- I'm grabbing that. Beautifully penned, as always!

  21. Beautiful lines you have weaved Panchali. Mornings truly define how the days turns out and consciously embracing happiness during that time goes a long way.


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